Telangana State Public Service Commission Group 2 Notification 2015-2016


NOTIFICATION NO. 20/2015, Dt. 30/12/2015



1) Applications are invited Online from qualified candidates through the proforma Application to be made available on Commission’s WEBSITE ( to the posts of GROUP – II SERVICES in the State of Telangana.

i. Submission of ONLINE applications from Dt. 31/12/2015
ii. Last date for submission of ONLINE applications Dt. 09/02/2016
iii. Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of

2) The Written Examination is likely to be held on Dt. 24/04/2016 F.N. & A.N. and Dt. 25/04/2016 F.N & A.N. The Examination will be OMR based of objective type.

Before applying for the posts, candidates shall register themselves as per the One Time Registration (OTR) through the Official Website of TSPSC. Those who have registered in OTR already, shall apply by login to their profile using their TSPSC ID and Date of Birth as provided in OTR.

3) The candidates who possess requisite qualification may apply online by
satisfying themselves about the terms and conditions of this recruitment. The details of vacancies are given below:-

Post Code No. Name of the Post/Service No. of Vacancies Age as on 01/07/2015 Min. Max. Scale of Pay Rs.
1 Municipal Commissioner Gr.III in (Municipal Administration Sub Service) 19 18-44 29,760 – 80,930/
2 Assistant Commercial Tax Officer (Commercial Tax Sub-Service) 110 18-44 28,940 – 78,910/-
3 Sub-Registrar Gr.II (Registration Sub-Service) 23 20-44 28,940 – 78,910/-
4 Extension Officer (Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Sub Service) 67 18-44 29,760 – 80,930/-
5 Prohibition and Excise Sub Inspector (Excise Sub-Service) 220 18-28 26,600 – 77,030/-
Total 439

(The Details of Vacancies department wise i.e., Community / Gender wise
(General / Women) may be seen at Annexure-I.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The number of vacancies in the Departments are subject to
variation on intimation being received from the appointing authority.


Applicants must possess the qualifications from a recognized University as
detailed below or equivalent thereto, as specified in the relevant Service Rules, indented by the departments as on the Date of Notification.

Note:- For Pc. No. 03 (Sub-Registrar Gr.II (Registration Sub-Service):- Preference shall be given to persons, who in addition of the above qualification, possess a Degree in Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or a Provincial Act or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or any other equivalent qualifications.

Physical Requirements for For Pc. No. 5

i) Must not be less than 165 Cms. in height.
ii) Must not be less than 81 Cms. round the Chest on full expiration with a minimum
expansion of 5 Cms;

Provided that in the case of candidates belonging to STs. where the required quota
cannot be fully utilised for want of sufficient candidates possessing the requisite height, it may be relaxed by 5 Cms. So that it shall not be less than 160 Cms;

Provided the members of Ministerial Service working in Prohibition & Excise
Department, Drivers and Attenders shall possess a minimum height of 163 Cms., if otherwise eligible.


i) Must not be less than 152.5 Cms. in height.
ii) Must not weigh less than 45.5 Kgs.

Visual Standards for Post Code No. 5.

All candidates, including Women for Direct Recruitment must be certified by an
Opthalmic Surgeon (of the rank of Civil Surgeon in Govt., Service) to possess the following Visual Standards.


(i) Right Eye Near Vision 0.5 (Snellen) Distant 6/6.
(ii) Left Eye Near Vision 0.5 (Snellen)

Distant 6/6.

(b) Each eye must have a full field of vision.
(c) Colour blindness, squint or any morbid condition of the eyes or lids of either eye, knock knees, pigeon chest, flat foot, varicose veins, hammer-toes, fractured limbs or decayed teeth shall be deemed to be disqualification.

Note:- For Pc. No. 5:-The applicants should satisfy a competent Medical Board as to
their fitness, Physical Requirements, Vision etc., as provided for in the Rules at the
appropriate stage of the recruitment process

5) AGE: The Candidates should possess the minimum and maximum age as prescribed
for each post at Para-I above as on 01/07/2015. The age is reckoned as on
01/07/2015 (Rule- 12(1)(a)(v) of State and Subordinate Service Rules).
*As per G.O. Ms. No. 329 GA(Ser.A) Dept., Dt. 27/07/2015 the upper age limit is raised
up to 10 years i.e., from 34 years to 44 years (Except Pc. No. 5).

N.B.: No person shall be eligible if he/she has crossed 58 years of age (Superannuation age).


After provision of the relaxation of Age in Col. No. 3 of table above; the age shall
not exceed the maximum age prescribed for the post for the candidates at Sl. No. 3 & 4.

The age relaxations for Ex-Servicemen is applicable for those who have been
released from Armed Forces otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on
account of misconduct or inefficiency.

6) (a) FEE: (Remittance of Fee) Each applicant must pay Rs. 100/- (RUPEES ONE HUNDRED
ONLY) towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants have to pay RS.120/- (RUPEES ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ONLY) towards Examination Fee.
However, the following category of candidates belonging to Telangana State only are
exempted from payment of Examination fee.

a) SC, ST, BC, PH & Ex-Service Men.
b) Unemployed applicants in the age group of 18 to 44 years (They have to submit
declaration at an appropriate time to the Commission that they are unemployed).

b) Mode of Payment of Fee:

The Fee mentioned at Para-I(6)(a) is to be paid online through SBI ePay duly
following online instructions once the application form details are submitted by filling TSPSC ID, date of birth and other particulars.

The fee once remitted, shall not be refunded or adjusted under any
circumstances. Failure to pay the examination fee, application fee, wherever applicable will entail total rejection of application. The list of Banks providing service for the purpose of online remittance of fee is given in ANNEXURE – II.



(i) The Applicants have to read the User Guide for Online Submission of Applications and then proceed further.

I Step: The Candidate has to visit the WEBSITE and fill the OTR application if not registered earlier to obtain TSPSC ID. While filling the
same, the candidates have to ensure that there are no mistakes in it. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates.

II STEP: The candidates have to visit the website to submit Application and Click on the Link with Notification Number and Name, provide
TSPSC ID and Date of Birth to proceed further.

Candidate has to verify the details as obtained from OTR database and displayed on the screen. If any details are to be changed, candidate should go back to the TSPSC website and use the Edit OTR link. In addition to the details obtained from OTR database, Notification specific details such as Examination Centre opted, required qualification, university details, eligibility and accepting declarations etc. are to be filled by the candidate. Preview and Edit facility is
available to make changes and submit for proceeding to Next step of making online payment of fee.

III STEP:-Immediately on entering the above details, the applicant will get payment gateway of SBI ePay.

IV STEP:-The applicant should pay the prescribed fee as specified through any of the four modes of payment online. Separate instructions have to be followed for each
mode of payment.

V STEP:-After payment of fee, the PDF Application will be generated which contains the particulars furnished by the candidates. The ID No in the PDF Application form
has to be quoted for future reference/correspondence.

i) Candidate shall note that, the details available with OTR database at the time of submitting the application will be considered for the purpose of this
notification. If, any changes are made by the candidate to OTR database at a later date will not be considered for the purpose of this Notification.

ii) Hand written/ Typed/ Photostat copies/ outside printed Application Form will not be accepted and liable for rejection.

iii) The applicants should be willing to serve anywhere in Telangana State.

iv) For any Technical problems related to Online submission and downloading of Hall-Tickets please contact 040-23120301 or 040-23120302(Call Time: 10.30
A.M to 1.00 P.M & 1.30 P.M to 5.30 P.M) or mail to

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