Applications are invited from the Graduate and Diploma holders of Engineering in the following disciplines:
1. Mechanical
2. Electrical & Electronics
3. Electronics & Communications
4. Computer Science
The eligible Applicants would be called for interview by post and if selected they would be intimated. (Application proforma is given below)
Essential:- 1.
1. Candidates possessing degree or diploma in the above branches of Engineering only will be considered.
2. Should have been Registered with BOAT (Board of Apprenticeship Training) Tharamani, Chennai. The applications of the candidates who are not registered in the BOAT will be summarily rejected.
3. Should be within 3 years of passing of Degree/ Diploma courses. (i.e. During the year 2013, 2014 & 2015 only).
4. The completed applications should be addressed to The Chief Mechanical Engineer, 7th floor, Centenary Building, Chennai Port Trust, No.1 Rajaji Salai, Chennai – 600 001.(Opposite to Reserve Bank of India)
5. The last date for receipt of applications is 31.08.2015