10 August, 2015
About BEL
Bharat Electronics Ltd., a Navratna Company and India‟s premier Professional Electronics Company requires outstanding professionals in the field of RF & Microwave / FPGA / Microcontroller based circuit design for its Central D&E division, located in BANGALORE Complex. The details are as follows:
Job Code: MWC 01 -- Dy. Engineer: M.E. / M.TECH. with specialisation in RF/ Microwave Engineering from a reputed college with Aggregate First Class for General & OBC candidates and Pass Class for SC/ST/PWD candidates. The final Degree certificate should clearly indicate the specialisation as RF & Microwave, failing which the applications will be rejected.
Candidates who have completed their ME/ M.Tech course in July 2015 and are awaiting results of the final semester, may also apply. However, General / OBC candidates should have secured First Class and SC/ST/PWD candidates should have secured Pass Class, as an aggregate, up to the 3rd Semester. Only those candidates, who have enclosed results up to 3 rd Semester, will be considered.
Prior to M.E./M.Tech., the candidates must have successfully completed B.E. / B.TECH. in Electronics / Electronics & Communication/ Communication/ Telecommunication/ Electronics & Telecommunication from a reputed college with aggregate First class for General / OBC candidates and Pass Class for SC/ST/PWD candidates.
Candidates selected for this post (Dy. Engr - M.E./M.Tech) will be offered two additional increments in the pay scale of Rs.16400/- 3% - 40500/-.
Job Code: MWC 02 -- Dy. Engineer: B.E. / B.TECH. in Electronics / Electronics & Communication/ Communication/ Telecommunication/ Electronics & Telecommunication from a reputed college with aggregate First Class for General & OBC candidates and Pass Class for SC/ST/PWD candidates. Candidates should have minimum of one year of post-qualification industrial experience in FPGA/micro-controller based circuit design / programming of monitor & control circuitry & hardware / firmware for automated testing. Candidates should enclose a separate sheet giving a brief about his/her duties & responsibilities not exceeding one page. Application will not be considered if this sheet is not attached. The cutoff date for considering experience will as on 01.09.2015. Candidates without the required experience need not apply.
26 years for General candidates, 29 years for OBC, 31 years for SC/ST / PWD as on 01.09.2015.
Reservation of posts will be made as per Government guidelines.
Job Code: MWC 01 -- Dy. Engineer: The job involves design, development, engineering, evaluation and documentation for manufacturing microwave modules, sub-systems and super components for use in Radar, Communication and Electronic Warfare systems.
The work would involve design, simulation, optimization, prototyping, and testing of Power amplifiers, Low noise Amplifiers, Filters in various configurations using lumped and distributed topologies, Frequency sources, Frequency converters, Antenna elements and Super-components such as Wideband receivers, besides other circuits/modules. Job Code: MWC 02 -- Dy. Engineer:
The work would involve design, simulation, optimization, prototyping and testing of logic/microcontroller/FPGA-based monitor & control circuitry for Radar, Communication and Electronic Warfare systems.
E) Mode of Selection:
Selection will be through a Written Test, followed by an Interview for only those candidates who qualify in the written test. Candidates must produce their final marks card and/or provisional/final Degree certificate at the time of attending the Written Test.
F) General Conditions: In addition to Basic Pay, other allowances like Dearness allowance, House Rent Allowance, 48% of the Basic Pay as perquisites, Performance Related Pay (PRP), Group Insurance, Medical reimbursement, Provident Fund, Pension, Gratuity, as per the Company's rules will be part of the remuneration package.
Mere fulfilling the minimum requirement of qualification and experience will not vest any right on the candidates to be called for the interview. BEL reserves the right to shortlist the candidates based on the nature of past relevant experience acquired post prescribed qualification.
Candidates belonging to GEN/OBC category are required to pay an application fee of Rs. 500/-. Candidates are required to download and print the bank challan available on the BEL website. The challan (in triplicate) is to be filled by the applicant and submitted to the nearest SBI Branch, along with an application fee of Rs.500/- plus bank charges. On submission of the challan unique transaction number (Journal Number) will be generated and the same would be written by the staff at the Bank. The bank portion of the challan will be retained by the staff and the remaining 2 portions will be given to the candidate. The candidate is to ensure that the „Journal Number‟ is entered on the challan before leaving the bank. The candidate is required to attach the Company‟s copy of the challan along with the application format.
The candidate can retain his copy of the challan for further reference. SC/ST & PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee. Application fee is non-refundable. Candidates may go through all instructions and eligibility criteria carefully before remitting Application Fee and submitting online application. Fee once paid will not be refunded.
Candidates working in PSUs / Govt. organizations should submit the application through proper channel or produce No Objection Certificate at the time of the interview. Such candidates, who are unable to produce NOC, will not be interviewed. Outstation candidates who are shortlisted for the interview, will be reimbursed II class to and fro train fare by the shortest route (from their correspondence address).
Applications that are incomplete, not in the prescribed format, not legible or without the required enclosures, will be summarily rejected without assigning any reasons and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Only Indian nationals need apply.
Interested candidates may send their applications through post /courier in the application format available on the BEL website (www.bel-india.com), along with copies of the following enclosures:
i) 10th standard marks card (as proof of date of birth)
ii) ME/M.Tech. & BE/B.Tech Semester wise marks cards & Final/Provisional Degree Certificate
iii) Caste / Disability certificate (if applicable, strictly in the prescribed formats, which are available on the BEL website. OBC certificate should be dated on or after 01.03.2015.)
iv) No Objection Certificate (if applicable)
v) Certificate from previous & current employer(s) regarding post-qualification experience, vii) Bank Challan (if applicable)
Failure to enclose any of the above documents will result in disqualification. The Caste / Disability Certificate should be strictly in the format available on the BEL website, failing which, candidates will be considered under „General‟ category only, provided they are otherwise meeting all other criteria stipulated for General candidates. Candidates are required to send the application, superscribing the post applied for on the envelope, by post to Manager (HR/ES & D&E), Bharat Electronics Limited, Jalahalli, Bangalore - 560013, so as to reach by 22nd August, 2015.
The number of posts indicated above, may vary based on the actual requirement at the time of selection. Candidates are required to possess at least one valid e-mail id, which is to be entered in the application form. Information pertaining to the written test / interview will be sent by e-mail to the email Id furnished by the candidate. BEL will not be responsible for bouncing of any email sent to the candidate. Canvassing in any form will result in disqualification. BEL reserves the right to debar / disqualify any candidate at any stage of the selection process for any reason whatsoever.
For more details please click here BEL INdIA Recruitment Notification